90booksin90days -is it easy to get to know me?

You may be one of my existing readers or listeners already. If you are, it may be hard for you to answer the question in the title. You already know me! Maybe not in a "we have been friends all our lives" kind of way, but in a "I feel like I know you and understand what you are about" way.

Or maybe you and I are strangers? In that case I would love to hear from. You may wonder why I want to know what you think. I want to know because in order to reach my 90booksin90days challenge, I want to:
Turn strangers into friends into customers into fans.
To do this I updated my annikaslol web page with a bio and a photo. Originally I planned to put this collage there, to make it even more personal:

In the end I decided to only use the picture in the middle - it gave a cleaner look to the web page.

I also updated the bio (the description about myself) on several different platsforms; LinkedIn, my Facebook page, Instagram and my blog.

Another action I took was to add more of a personal touch to my posts, going from purely sharing my thoughts, to also share more of myself.

What do you think? Is it easier to get to know me? If you have more ideas on how I can turn strangers into friends into customers, please let me know!

Here are the previous posts in this challenge. I hope you will join me and challenge yourself :)

35 books left to sell - in 44 days

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