Qui sine peccato est

Qui sine peccato est
Maybe you know what it means. If you don't you can most likely look it up. But I hope you will choose to figure it out by reading my coming book with the same title. The explanation will come in the 80th chapter:

Qui sine peccato est, primam lapidem mittat.” 
Holyany såg förfärat på Leyah. Hon visste att Leyah var chockad, galen, men det här var första gången hon pratade på ett obegripligt sätt.  
”Det… det går inte att förstå vad du säger Leyah” sa Genrik, nästan försiktigt. 

Recito förlag have started with the typesetting of my book Que sine peccato est, and my and their aim is to have it ready for the book release in November. I hope you will be there!

Book release of Que Sine Peccato Est, Annika Rosendahl's third novel,  at Bokens Dag in Mimers Kulturshus, Kungälv Nov 16. 

Next weekend I will post the blurb (yes, I know it sounds like a description of what it sounds like when a monster burps, but it is a real word) of my book. I hope you are looking forward to reading the "blurb", and later on, the book :-).

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