"Sometimes I l am late when I go and pick up my daughter from day care. Then I run. I enjoy running. I make sure I don't feel stressed though. If I am stressed I just transfer my stress to her."I was very happy when I heard one of my Holistic Time Management program members say this. It indicates a good understanding of the holistic part. You don't only manage your time, you look at the whole when doing so.
For many there is a connection between running and rushing. Between being fast and being stressed.
Trust me. There is no such connection. Unless we create it.
When I lead one of my first major projects, many asked me:
"Annika, how can you be so calm?"It was as if I was supposed to be stressed since the project risked delaying production start for a new car model. This is very costly and I was aware of that. I also knew that stress would make it worse - not better.
A few projects later I went into the room of a colleague and asked him about something that my project needed. He picked up the phone and called someone else. When talking to the other person he turned to me. When he saw I had taken a seat in his office he said:
"Yes, it seems to be really important because Annika is actually sitting down."
It took me a while to understand that this meant that I normally was up and about, moving from one place to another to do whatever it took to get my project where it needed to be. I was always on the move. So when I sat down I showed I wasn't going anywhere until I had received what I came for.
Many get surprised about how I can get so much done, yet be so calm.
There is no contradiction.
Actually there is a connection.
I get a lot done not despite being calm - but because I stay calm.
Speed and stress are only connected if you connect them.
Don't be afraid of speed, just make sure you keep stress out of the picture.
The basket ball coach John Wooden expressed it very well when he said:
Be quick, but never hurry.
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