The Beauty of Art part 13- The answers

Most of you did not know the artist this time, but those of you who will come to Fredsrosor - the book release for Primam lapidem mittat - will not only know who the artist is, you will also be able to meet her :).

The artist is Hanna Herngren, the painting is Rosenkvitten.

Hanna is from Sjövik, Lerums kommun Sweden. She lives with her family at the lake Mjörn outside of Gråbo.

Hanna finds inspiration, serenity and happiness in nature and in her garden. Through her reflections on nature she wants to provide those very feelings: serenity, happiness and hope. 

Hanna would like the observer to stop and see the beauty in the small, simple things in everyday life.

Light is central in her paintings. It can symbolize the light in the darkness, or an attempt to provide the feeling of hope and warmth we feel when the rays of the spring sun shines through the branches.

The light in the painting above, is also what some of you liked - one of you even found the light "Rembrandt-like".  

This is another one of her paintings: Christmas fairytale, with a more dramatic choice of colors:

Since I, like Hanna, really enjoy nature and all its living creatures, I enjoy her paintings. I am looking forward to seeing the originals!

On Fredsrosor, Hanna will let us all know how she finds inspiration to her paintings. You can read more about her in Akleja Art.

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