Do you want your kids to be purpose-driven rather than money-driven? Give them a hug!

What is your prime motivator for work? Money, Status or Purpose?

  • Those who are Money driven see work as an unavoidable necessity. The main reason for working is to have enough money.
  • Those who are Status driven believe that work gives them a chance to be successful and prove themselves. They generally hope to be in a higher position in a few months or years.
  • Finally, those who are Purpose driven believe work can be a valuable and meaningful part of life. 

A report called "Workforce Purpose Index" written by Imperative and New York University, shows that your relationship with your mum can influence your preference (!). As can the country and culture you grow up in.

Here are some interesting findings from the report:

The global average is that 37% of those who work are purpose driven. In this picture you can see the top 5 most purpose-oriented countries:

Two of the main conclusions in the report are:

Connecting employees with purpose brings measurable business impact:


People who are purpose-driven, are happier about their jobs:

This is not really surprising. Most of us want to contribute, want to make a difference, and when we can do this at work we will outperform those who are only there for the money.

What I found interesting was a finding that was mentioned in an interview with the CEO of Imperative. He said that all interviewees that identified themselves as money-driven, also stated that they did not have a good relationship with their mum.

So if you want your children to be purpose-driven rather than money-driven, with a higher chance of finding work that makes them happy and that they will be good at - give them a great big hug and take good care of your relationship with them. 

1 comment:

  1. Intressant och ganska självklart vid närmare eftertanke.
