En luciabön (a prayer at lucia)

It is the thirteenth of December when I write this.

Like most Swedes we got up early this morning to enjoy the sounds of children singing the traditional lucia songs.

The tradition is hundreds of years old and I have celebrated it ever since I was a little girl.

Since I am no longer a child, I enjoy Lucia with my lovely sons and their schoolmates since many years.

This morning the celebration took place in Kungälvs kyrka (a church), for reasons of tradition rather than religion, and the priest said a prayer.

I found the message that she conveyed applicable to life in school, life at work, life for all of us. So whether or not you believe in a God (or two, whatever works for you), I would like to share my take on that message:

May my heart be helpful to those in need 
and brave towards those who act mean

Glad Lucia!

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