The story is ready! Let's see how it will become a book

Those of you who read "Nästa skrivprojekt" (in Swedish only) can read about how I have turned my latest story into a script.

This script was sent today, to four different publishers:

These are publishers that receive many, many scripts each day, so the probability that they will select my script  is low.

So what if all of these (after the standard 2-3 months waiting time) say:
Thanks for sending in your script, but...

Well, if that will be the case I will send the script to a second round of publishers.

The second round of publishers will be smaller publishers. They have less possibilities to reach a large number of readers, but  they can be a great way to get a book published and in the hands of a smaller number of readers. I have had good experiences with my first two books at the publishers Oppenheim and Idus.

What if also the second round of publishers will say "Thank you but..."

Well, then I will look into self publishing. Booqla provides a service for those who want to publish their own e-books. This is what they say:

If you want an opportunity to be an acclaimed author, get proficient in your life and fulfill your great purpose of being a published author, there are three main advantages of self publishing that you need to know today. They are Control of Production, publish runs and profitability.

So, sooner or later, one way or the other, my latest story will become my third book. I hope many of you will want to read it!


  1. Lycka till, Annika!

  2. Bra jobbat, Annika! /Hans

  3. Replies
    1. Tack Torbjörn och stort grattis till din utgivna bok!

  4. Ser fram emot att läsa den....Bonniers nästa?
    Lycka till!


  5. Ser fram emot att läsa nästa bok! Lisa

  6. Tack för alla uppmuntrande kommentarer!
